Take the Guestbook 24/7 Tour
Discover why b&bs, Inns, Lodges, Hotels and Villas love it
The Dashboard
This is where it all starts, from here see exactly what's going on.
- Availability calendar
- Quick access to bookings Á enquiries
- Key business metrics at hand
- Watch which channels work best
- Who's in, who's out
The Booking
At the heart of the system are the bookings. Direct from the homepage you can click to see the details of a booking as below
or to make some amendments to a booking open it up for editing. Quickly and easily add guest, adjust room allocations, record payments, take special notes, access the invoice feature
The Invoice
Making life easier running your bed & breakfast with automatic invoicing, ready to email or print. Capture additional guest expenses, create customised categories for reporting.
Even the invoice numbers are generated for you.
The interactive availability calendar, see at a glance what rooms are available, booked or closed. Share room availability with external services such as Airbnb, Flipkey, iCal, Outlook or Google Calendar
See how the business is doing, how many bookings, where are they coming from, how much money taken?
Daily Email Summary
Select to receive a daily email giving you a snapshot of what's on over the next few days. From the email click a booking to get direct into the application
30 days free, no payment info required.